Mayo oración y petición 2012

Abr 25, 2012

Here is something different this month. Each person on the list is a pastor or evangelist and each one has been sent the item below that was requested on their WISHLIST on our website. As you look at this, please pray for these men, their ministries, and their families. And then look at what they wanted and pray some more!

There are hundreds more waiting for a sponsor who will invest the few dollars needed to obtain these valuable Bible resources. What a joy to help these pastors and leaders listed below.

Thank you.

  1. Romulo Duran – Peru – Filipenses (Commentary on Philippians), Frank Barker
  2. Anderson Melo – Spain – ¡Me series testigos! (You Will Be My Witnesses), Al Valdes and the BGEA
  3. Clever – Bolivia – Cristo, su persona y su obra (Christ, His Person and His Work), James Buswell
  4. Manuel Vargas – Mexico – La Santa Trinidad, Les Thompson
  5. Gerald Mendoza Santillan – Bolivia – Clases sobre mundanalidad (Series on worldliness), Les Thompson
  6. Armando Oscanoa Leyva – Peru – Clases sobre mundanalidad (Series on worldliness), Les Thompson
  7. Eliseo – Mexico – Siete cosas que debe enseñar a sus hijos (Seven Things You Should Teach Your Children), Howard Hendricks
  8. Pablino Romero – Paraguay – ¿Cuál es la imiportancia de Jesucristo en nuestras vidas? (What is the importance of Jesus Christ in our lives?), Edward Velez
  9. Igleva – Colombia – El uso de la ley del Antiguo Testamento hoy (Using the O.T. Law Today) – Richard Ramsay
  10. Jolleche – Costa Rica – Enciclopedia de problemas sicológicos – Clyde Narramore

OH! One more item:
We just packed up a dozen of our Guia Pastoral Notebooks that are going to go to Cuba in two weeks. Pray for the pastors who will receive these soon.