Abril oración y petición 2011

Mar 30, 2011

2011 April Prayer and Praise

Miami is a hot-bed for extreme Charismatic teachers. A small group of us are working to provide pastors and Sunday-School teachers with:

  1. resources to help them search the Scriptures for answers rather than to listen to these erring persuasive teachers.
  2. Tools to help them teach their congregations the doctrinal truths that defend Biblical faith.

Please pray for us that we may have wisdom in answering error as well as show clarity in our presentations of God’s eternal truths.


Now that we are establishing a “Virtual LOGOI Family,” we receive messages every day. Here is one where we can all help:

Dear Pastors and Friends,

I am asking for you to pray for the life of Ulises Fuentes, who is only 3 years old. He is the nephew of one of our small home group leaders. The child needs to have lung surgery and the risk is great. The doctors think it will be very difficult for him to survive the operation.

But … God has the last Word.

Pastor Isaac Bacab

Mérida, Yucatán, México

What a thrill! We have set the first week of June for Cuba and two pastor’s conferences. Les feels he can manage, with a little extra help. We will go to Pinar del Rio and Havana. A small group will accompany Les, Carolyn and Ed. While Les teaches, the rest will be helping the Havana church with some projects, plus checking the pastors with pigs. Please pray that we might be a blessing to all those we meet, and especially for Les as he teaches God’s Word to the many pastors who will attend these gatherings.

How we thank God for all of you who are praying and helping us with finances. As my son Ed (Logoi’s president like to remind us): “For 40 years we’re supposed to have gone broke and here we are today again thanking God for His mercies!” How wonderful to think of each donating church, each foundation, and each individual who shares the burden and vision of extending the gospel to all the Hispanic World by spiritually strengthening their hands. Gracias, amigos!