t is with great joy to announce Dr. Les Thompson is alive and well—more alive today, in fact, than he has ever been. On August 30th, at 3:30 in the afternoon, everything was ready and Jesus came and got him just as He promised in John chapter 14. Dad is right where he has longed to be for so long; he is with his Lord and Savior. For us, the tears flow easily as our hearts are full of wonderful memories of a loving father, husband, grandfather, and friend. But make no mistake, we are thrilled for Dad; he is finally home!
The last word Dad spoke was the word, “forever.” He seemed to be fading and Mom was tenderly reciting Psalm 23 with him, “The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need…” Dad wasn’t able to speak, but he mouthed the words. The last phrase of this wonderful Psalm of David says, “…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” As Mom said those words, Dad took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and in his strong, normal voice, said aloud, “Forever!” It was the last word he would speak in this world.
Letters and emails from lives touched by Dad are pouring in. What a legacy he has left. Most touching are the letters and emails from pastors in Latin America who are grieving because they feel they have lost their father, too. Most include a pressing note asking us to please continue “helping me like your father did for all these years.”
It has been difficult to go to the LOGOI office these days. I so enjoyed waiting for Dad to arrive. We had an easy chair brought up to his office so that he could take a nap whenever he needed one. His legs were very weak so I would help him get in and out of his easy chair. He’d put his arms around my neck and give me a big abrazo (hug) as I would lift him in and out. I can’t tell you how much I miss those hugs.
As seen in the short video on LOGOI’s homepage of Dad’s 80th birthday, Dad continued working, teaching, and writing almost until the very end when he simply became too weak. His final book, which he completed in the hospital, is a very tender and candid compilation of letters from an old pastor to a young pastor titled, “Letters to Carlos.” Interestingly, we weren’t quite certain how to end it. We know now: my brother Dan suggested we brothers write one final letter to Carlos. It would explain why Dad hadn’t written him in a while and tell him of Dad’s final days. We wanted Carlos to know that Dad died believing and trusting the God he spoke about in his letters.
To that end, we thought it would be fitting to share these same thoughts with you and include here a copy of the final chapter of Dad’s last book. In addition, we thought you might also like to share in the joy of getting “Letters to Carlos” into the hands of pastors and teachers throughout Latin America. It is scheduled for publication both in print and via LOGOI online this Fall. As a special memorial gift, with each gift of $10 we’ll get a copy of “Letters to Carlos” into the hands of as many Spanish pastors and teaching leaders as you provide.
It will be our great goal and challenge to continue the legacy Les Thompson has begun. As we push forward, we have a new sense of Dad’s longing to be with Jesus where He will wipe every tear from our eyes, where there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things will be gone forever (Rev. 21:4 paraphrased).
Dear Ed,
Yes, as a special memorial gift in celebration of Les’ home going, I/we would like to share in the joy of getting “Letters to Carlos” into the hands of pastors and Bible teachers throughout Latin America. I/we would like to donate online.