I was minding my own business working in my office when my cell phone rang. The caller ID indicated it was a call from Puerto Rico so I answered with a happy, “Hola.”
Without saying “hello,” the guy on the other end very seriously said, “I’m calling about your son…” The call sounded rather strange right from the start, so I answered cautiously by saying, “You are, are you?” He said, “Do you have a son?” Thinking this may be one of my goofy friends putting on a heavy Spanish accent to play a joke, I answered, “Perhaps…”
The phone call quickly took an ominous turn when the man on the other end said, “Your son has been in a terrible accident and is in serious danger.” He went on to say he needed me to send $3,500 immediately in order to save his life.”
By this time, it was quite obvious the caller was a conman but thankfully, not a very good one. He provided no facts, no data, no names, nothing. Besides, I knew where my sons were. So I nonchalantly replied, “Well, I’m going to miss him. He was a nice kid.”
There was a brief pause and then the conman raised his voice and said not very convincingly, “I’m talking about your son.“ So I replied, “Listen, before he goes, would you please remind him that he owes me 50 bucks.”
He hung up.
As I mulled this over, I could’t help but be thankful that the Lord not only knows exactly where my kids are, but knows exactly where I am, too. Our Heavenly Father keeps a very close eye on His children. So much so, in fact, He knew us before we were even born (Jer. 1:5), the exact number of hairs on our head (Mat 10:30), our every thought (Psalm 139:2), our name (Isaiah 43:1), our needs (Phil 4:19), the secrets of our heart (Psalm 44:21), plans for our future (Jer 29:11), and ultimately, the most glorious place to live, “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am” (John 14:3 NLT).
This life is full of trouble, sin, and deceit and wolves in sheep’s clothing have been around for a long, long time. The first one in the form of a snake. But even if we sometimes fall or get taken advantage of, when we fix our eyes, hope, and faith on the One who counts the hairs on our head, we can “run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith” (see Hebrews 12).
Ed Thompson
P.S. Thank you for remembering the ministry of LOGOI during these long and lean summer months. Your prayers and partnership are such a blessing and encouragement to us. We thank the Lord for you…and every hair on your head!
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