Junio 2010 Memo


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Junio 2010 Memo

Here is a special letter we just had to share with you. We know you will rejoice with us as you read this wonderful reminder of what God can do—even through children:

Dear LOGOI Ministries,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Laura Pressley and I am the Director of Children’s Ministry here at Grace Presbyterian Church in Dalton, Georgia. On Wednesday night we have anywhere from 50 to 70 kids (between the ages of 2 years old and 6th grade) who participate in our program.

Many of the children are our regular church kids but we also bus kids in from the surrounding neighborhoods. Throughout the year we do a few outreaches. We try to help our children look past themselves to help others. I took time to educate them about LOGOI. We watched a few of your “Pigs for pennies” videos and enjoyed many of Ed’s songs.

Throughout this time the kids went to work. Most brought change from home and we had classes: cleaning the church for donations, making and selling bookmarks, selling donuts, and much more. Our goal was $300. When we finally had all of our change counted, we raised $399.04. Then, another $100 was turned in. Our kids raised a total of $499.04 for LOGOI’s Pigs for Pennies ministry! I was so proud of them!

Our congregation couldn’t let us have all the fun and when they heard what our children had done, decided to participate during our mission conference. As a whole, Grace Presbyterian collected $808.08 for LOGOI’s Pigs for Pennies ministry. We not only worked to raise money, but we have been lifting LOGOI and your ministry up in prayer as well.

Thank you for your ministry and work you do to further His kingdom. We are praying for you and for the pastors in Cuba.

Sincerely, Laura Pressley
P.S. The kids loved making “Beautiful Feet footprints”
on their t-shirts.