I am looking over my collection of 2010 pictures and, guess what? It has been a very special family year again. God is so good!
The year ended with another precious family wedding: Grandson Matt married Laura Kohly on December 19 here in Miami. She comes from a Swiss Cuban family and we are thrilled that we have an entire new family for us to enjoy and love right here. (As a young boy, Laura’s dad escaped from Cuba with his family—a remarkable story all its own. You should hear Les and Fred talk about their homeland!) When Matt began dating Laura, we knew she was THE one…even though she wasn’t so sure at the beginning. Matt and Laura insisted that Grandpa Les officiate at their wedding and so it was. Thankfully, Laura’s dad accidentally stepped on her veil as he gave her to Matt, turning an emotional time into a joyful celebration. What a great addition to our family is Laura – and her family.
Of course, the wedding brought our entire family to Miami, so we have been much blessed. All but Carolyn and RJ, (our granddaughter and husband), who are ministering among university students and young adults in London, England with World Harvest Mission.
Before the wedding, we had other family milestones. It is impossible to write about each of our 14 grandchildren, but here are a few highlights:

Our grandson, Daniel, graduated magna cum laude from the University of Miami. He is still here working on his master’s and so we go to church together, often eat together and just plain enjoy this wonderful young grandson looking forward to his future, with a tender heart to the Lord.
Grandson David broke the Dade County, Florida record for homeruns as a high school sophomore last year. His team won the state championship for the second year in a row. Grandpa and I were at most of his games, of course. He joined a summer team that earned a place in the Connie Mack World Series in Farmington, New Mexico. We were able to go and watch him play in that beautiful part of our country, too. He is also the quarterback for his high school team. Colleges across the country are after him for both baseball and football, but his heart seems to be set in playing right here at the UM. We’ll see…he is still a high school junior! In spite of his sports talents, obeying and following God seem to be his priority.
Not to be outdone, our grandson Robert and his high school baseball team, in Macon, Georgia, also won the baseball state championship! He is a pitcher and will graduate this year, hoping to continue playing in college. He and David wish they could play on the same team.
Last but not least is our wonderful LOGOI Family. Les has joyfully given more than 50 years of his life to help Spanish pastors and leaders. He used to travel from Mexico to Argentina and Spain to give conferences. Now, he ministers to them through LOGOI’s new and very exciting website. His books, articles, answers to their questions are still going strong. Instead of looking for a publisher and distribution, the internet has become the way to go.
We are so proud of Ed: he’s effectively taking LOGOI to the internet world so that thousands can have instant access to all the great Bible materials that have been produced over the years. It is a thrill for Les and me to see his strong leadership and vision for the future of LOGOI in this modern world.
So, Les has written two new ebooks this year that are about to be released on our LOGOI website:
1. Cartas a Carlos (Letters to Carlos) – a senior pastor writes a novice
2. Mundanalidad (Worldliness) – the difference between loving God and loving the world
I never imagined that when I married widow Les at the ripe age of 19, with his three adorable sons that God would bless and bless and bless us all so much. All has been by grace – never would we be able to repay Him for all He has done for us. His gift of eternal life and His promises to be with us “…through valleys, green pastures, and still waters all the days of our lives until we dwell in the house of the Lord forever…” have been His sweet and remarkable gifts to our family all year.
Thank you for being a part of our extended family. Our Spanish abrazos (hugs) go out to each of you.
Carolyn, for the Thompsons and LOGOI
For tax purposes, please send me a copy of my 2010 gift contributions.
P.S. Here is another of Les’ “Letters to Carlos” for you to enjoy.