2010 December Prayer and Praise
With great sadness, due to circumstances beyond our control in Cuba, we had to postpone the pastors’ conferences. Our contact and guide, the director of Los Pinos Seminary, became seriously ill and contacted us with the need to postpone. We take this as from the Lord, so though we are sad, we know this is God’s perfect will. Now we are looking at February. Please pray that all will be well with Dr. Norberto Quesada as he is quietly resting and putting other pastors in his place of leadership for now. But the pigs went ahead, anyway (see below).
Even though we were not able to take in the pigs (money) personally, the pigs are being distributed and we will see some fatter, bigger pigs in February when we go. Let’s pray for the pigs to stay healthy, too!
Our new website has a “WishList” where the pastors who have signed up can put resources they would like to have on this list. Our goal this Christmas month is to find friends and mission minded people to provide all 360 of them, averaging $10 each. What a great opportunity this is to provide sorely needed books, articles, and studies for pastors who just cannot find these biblical resources anyplace else. Since so many would not be able to buy them, we want to play Santa Claus. Pray that all these WISHES will come true for these faithful and needy pastors.
This has been a tough year…but by God’s grace we have survived! We thank all of you who have so lovingly shared your resources. Now we are on the verge of a new year of challenges. As you may be aware, because of the internet, printed materials (books, magazines, letters) are going extinct. How urgent that we at LOGOI keep transposing all types of solid, biblical material to the web. The help and resources pastors will need in the future to teach, preach, minister and evangelize are to a great extent dependent on what we continue to develop on our web page. Do pray for us and do remember our needs this Christmas.