Abril oración y petición 2012


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Abril oración y petición 2012

2012 April Prayer and Praise

  1. Easter in Latin America can be a very intense and sad time for those trying to earn their way into heaven. People make sacrificial pilgrimages to the Catholic Churches to seek forgiveness and peace – focusing on the death of Christ instead of the risen Savior. Pray for the evangelical churches as they celebrate Easter and our Lord’s resurrection and that they will be lights to their dark world.
  2. Pray for new opportunities for Ed Thompson to be invited to visit churches. His God given talents in speaking, music and comedy – along with missions – are something the church at large could benefit from in both encouragement and missions.
  3. Pray for our LOGOI team as we are getting ready to launch our first on-line Bible course. There are so many details that have to be perfect in order for everything to work. We need patience and God’s hands on every keystroke!
  4. Continue to pray for the LOGOI contest to our Spanish subscribers who are college age. We are asking for an article that tells how the church is influencing his/her life. We have not asked anything from this age group before but know they are there. Pray that God will use this contest to bring glory and encouragement to those in these challenging years when so many leave home and the church. If you have Spanish college kids in your church or ministry, let them know about this contest.
  5. Continue to pray for the new emphasis on “going back to the Bible” for our pastors and leaders: that it will result in a new love of God’s Word that will spread to congregations.