Dr. Manford George Gutzke (1896-1993) was a man who depended upon Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life. Dr. Gutzke’s great love and concern for people led him to present Bible truth in a simple, clear, plain everyday manner; thus the idea, Plain Talk About Bible Truth for Everyday Living.
Dr. Gutzke grew up in a farming community in Manitoba, Canada. As a youth he wandered into agnostic skepticism. Conversation with a believing farmer and Gutzke’s own study of the Scripture led him to faith. (His testimony is begun in a booklet entitled “Out of Darkness”).
Manford Gutzke began his career as a teacher and in time began to prepare for law practice but soon found himself answering a call from God to give himself to the Gospel ministry. He became well qualified to speak from God’s word as a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. He received his M.S. degree in psychology from S.M.U. and was awarded a D.D. degree from Austin College. Later he earned a Ph.D. at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York.
Dr. Gutzke was an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church, U.S. and professor emeritus of Columbia Theological Seminary. He retired from the Seminary and devoted himself entirely to preaching and teaching the Word of God. The Lord continues to bless his work.