Henry Tolopilo

Since Grace to You became operational in 2000, Pastor Henry Tolopilo has edited and preach Pastor John MacArthur’s resources and has been the Spanish voice of the radio program Grace to You. Henry and his wife Barbara Henry live in southern California and have two sons and a granddaughter.

Henry is pastor of the Hispanic Ministry and Elder of Grace Community Church since 1995. Henry was a missionary with CAM International, Director of Education Course Development and Regional Coordinator for LOGOI Ministries’ Division of Hispanic Outreach Program. He was the translator for the Lockman Foundation and formed part of the team who translated the Bible of the Americas. Pastor Tolopilo expository teaches his congregation on Sunday and Wednesday. After each sermon, the team of “Grace to You”, transfer the sermons to make them radio program which are heard daily on hundreds of radio stations in Latin America, Spain and the United States.

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